
Average score 912 Reviews
Giuliana Drean noted on Google

Tout était très bon et frais : nouilles, bouillon et xiaolongbao ! seul bémol c'est pas très propre (toilettes/salle) et serveuse peu froide/expéditive (Translated by Google) Everything was very good and fresh: noodles, broth and xiaolongbao! only downside is it's not very clean (toilets/room) and waitress is not very cold/expeditious

23 days ago
Olivier LO noted on Google

Nouilles faites sur place. Plusieurs tailles au choix. Excellent. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) Noodles made on site. Several sizes to choose from. Excellent. I recommend.

1 month ago
Quentin noted on Google

Restaurant très bien placé avec une cuisine chinoise authentique! tout cela à un prix très abordable. Les nouilles sont faites maison et sont délicieuses ^^ (j'ai une préférence pour les fines, mais les 2 versions sont excellentes) J'ai goûté les soupes : les bouillons sont goûteux et sont subtiles. J'ai adoré la version sauté également. On a essayé de goûter plusieurs plats à partager : les brioches, les raviolis, le tofu avec oeufs centenaires (pour les connaisseurs), etc. Tout était bon. Point d'attention : les portions sont grandes, les grands mangeurs seront encore plus ravis :-) Je recommande ce restaurant et j'y retournerai! (Translated by Google) Very well located restaurant with authentic Chinese cuisine! all this at a very affordable price. The noodles are homemade and are delicious ^^ (I prefer the thin ones, but both versions are excellent) I tasted the soups: the broths are tasty and subtle. I loved the stir-fried version too. We tried to taste several dishes to share: brioches, ravioli, tofu with century-old eggs (for connoisseurs), etc. Everything was good. Point of attention: the portions are large, big eaters will be even more delighted :-) I recommend this restaurant and will return!

1 month ago
Dzul Akbar noted on Google

1 month ago
Clarie noted on Google

J'ai pris un menu à 13.90€, je trouve que ça fait un bon rapport qualité/prix avec des gyoza poulet et un bouillon nouille poulet aussi, c'était bon, j'avais peur que le bouillon soit fade mais rien de ça. J'ai pris aussi des Bao bœuf à 6€ les 4, c'était bon aussi. Pour 20€, j'ai bien mangé, je recommande. (Translated by Google) I took a menu for €13.90, I think it's good value for money with chicken gyoza and chicken noodle broth too, it was good, I was afraid the broth would be bland but nothing like that . I also had beef Bao for €6 for 4, it was good too. For 20€, I ate well, I recommend.

1 month ago
Aasta Tan noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The beef noodles are light and a big portion. There is Wong Lo Kat in the refrigerator. When I checked out, I was told that I only had one item left, and for no apparent reason, my friend’s item was always added to my card == The network inside was not working, the store’s was connected but I couldn’t use my own, and there was no signal. (Original) 牛肉麵滿清淡的 很大一份 冰箱有王老吉 結帳時就說我只有一個項目了還莫名一直把朋友的項目算在我卡上==裡面網路不能用 店家的連了用不了自己的沒訊號

1 month ago
liel noted on Google

As someone who lived in china for 3 years i can definitely recommend this restaurant! An authentic chinese restaurant with tasty dishes. We ordered 4 dishes (which was a mistake, because every dish is very big!). 1) dan dan noodles, which is basically a bowl of noodles soup with ground pork and vegetables. 2) Hong Shao (stewed spicy) beef noodles, which is bowl of noodles with red spicy soup with beef pieces and vegetables. It wasnt very spicy, so we added some more chinese spicy sauce by ourselves. 3) stir fried beef with onions and white rice. Was very tasty, and it even had a tasty BBQ taste (probably because they cook it with a big fire). 4) fried dumplings with ground pork and cabbage stuffing. Which was good as well. The restaurant is Located near the Louvre museum, a walking distance. And highly recommend for anyone who craves for some good authentic chinese food. Easily give this restaurant 5 stars ⭐️

1 month ago
Carly Wright noted on Google

Excellent and large portions

1 month ago
이재훈 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The staff at the Chinese restaurant we rushed into because it was raining were friendly and the food was not bad. (Original) 비가 와서 급하게 들어간 중국음식점 직원들 친절한 편이고 음식도 나쁘지않은 편임

2 months ago
Sara Argelli noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice place, very kind staff and I've never had such good noodles (yet in Milan we have a lot of choice). The pasta is handmade at the moment, all the ingredients are very fresh. If I had a restaurant like this under my house it would be my ruin!! (Original) Locale curato, personale gentilissimo e mai mangiato dei noodles così buoni (eppure a Milano di scelta ne abbiamo tanta). La pasta è fatta a mano al momento, tutti gli ingredienti sono freschissimi. Se avessi un ristorante così sotto casa sarebbe la mia rovina!!

2 months ago

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